Recent content by MomentOfClarity

  1. M

    RAW needs Mr. McMahon back.

    Ehh maybe i didnt deliever the image i quite wanted as far as how the storyline would fall out... Only reason i picked shane, is cause he stands for what face vince used to stand for back in the day, And your right vince doesnt need shane to pull off a great storyline, But every storyline needs...
  2. M

    RAW needs Mr. McMahon back.

    Defintally he needs to come back, and heres the storyline i believe he should come back with. He comes back senial, or if you want to, majorly screwed up in the head from his accident. Either which way, he comes back out of control, snapping at everyone, Saying that hes been booking Raw into...
  3. M

    What is the main problem on RAW?

    I ask myself the same question every single monday, in and out, ive been a fan since the early 80's, thru the attitude era, highs and lows, And all ive seen lately is a pathetic attempt of trying to entertain with the ratings numbers mimic'ing my feelings. I agree with you, theres so much young...
  4. M

    [Official] WrestleMania XXV Discussion

    Here is what i would like to see on the card, and why, also dont forget, this requires alot of build up in storylines ;) Raw Championship Match Jericho vs Hbk (I quit match) - This has been one of the better fueds to recent date, and i dont feel its over, i do feel it needs a break though...
  5. M

    Charlie Haas' new gimmick(s)

    The question is how do you move haas past all the gimmicks, and into a actual pillar in the wwe... and heres how.... Keep up the gimmick he has now for a few more months, Then have him start dressing up as all the past Ic title holders, in order, all the way up to santino, about mid way thru...
  6. M

    Imposter Kane angle

    Funny, cause i think one of the ways to bring kane back into the fold of entertainment, is to use the imposter kane thing again, This is why i think wwe should sign sid vicious, and there goes your new imposter kane, spend the better part of a year having kane stalked....Have it come to a end at...
  7. M

    The Forgotten Gimmick Match

    After watching several strap matches, im convinced that the strap shouldnt be a limitation on performance, but when used right, actually enhance, cause it provides stability in some cases, but more as a watch classic strap matches, and compare it with wrestling styles today, im even more sure...
  8. M

    Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

    Without a doubt, they should make Undertakers vs Mvp happen at Wm 25, Buried Alive Match Ending the undertakers Wm streak... But not only that... They should have orton fued with taker first, and have taker beat him, And after Mvp defeats Taker, You can start a fued between Orton and Mvp...
  9. M

    The Forgotten Gimmick Match

    I cant remember the last time i saw this type of match rear is head into wrestling, but the more and more i watch some of these fueds, Mainly the Michael/Jericho fued that was going on, Or even the current batista/jericho match, More so, with jericho always on the run, or always weaseling his...
  10. M

    The Glory Days?

    For a moment look past what the wwf/wwe has been in the past, and look past the current attempt to go to a pg rating. Pull the die hard wrestling fan out of you and realize how almost everything in the buisness is going wrong... First off, looking back on the history of wrestling you come to...
  11. M

    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    Been a user of for a long time now, finally decided to join the forums and share my views on alot of things
  12. M

    Biggest Missuse of Talent ever commited by Vince Mcmahon

    I personally feel , if your getting television time, there is no reason to be misused, or to be a jobber, thats what house shows, dark matches are for....I dont think anyone should hafta job on tv, it just makes it pointless, and it lacks entertainment, sure its nice to see someone get...
  13. M

    " There is Only 1"

    I dont know who the Next is, but i can garuntee you, these things sometimes happen overnight, and hit you when you least expect it, Never did i think when watching stunning steve austin, would i ever experience stone cold steve austin.....
  14. M

    Finally, somebody that matters said it...

    its should go young, stay young, and throw some hardcore elements from the original ecw in it, granted it should be a underling of smackdown, but you gotta still make it entertaining, and right now i see nothing extreme about it, and i really dont care to see mark henry nor matt hardy duke it...
  15. M

    Foley Leaving Smackdown!?

    Mic needs to retire, I can personally ask nothing more of that man, hes been in the buisness forever, hes given 100%, Hes put a hell of a show on for me multiple times, his books have entertained me, Hes a legend... hes earned my doubt...