Recent content by mcpothead

  1. M

    AJ Styles Pinned; What Does His Future Hold?

    I can see AJ leaving TNA for a long time if not for good pretty soon. He and to an extent other originals have been treated terribly due to Hogan's hard one for himself and other WWE washouts.
  2. M

    Magnus: A Star in the Making?

    Magnus bores the hell out of me. BFG Joe vs Magnus was complete snore fest
  3. M

    The Downfall of Kurt Angle

    Angle is still the best wrestler in biz - great match against hardy last impact. Also the whole BFG thing be original poster he has been carrying an injury for some time and tag matches were used to put less strain on him.
  4. M

    [Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

    James Storm vs Bobby Roode is better than anything I have seen in the PG WWE era. I agree on the production side of things but in terms of the roster the matches and storylines far superior to WWE at the moment. Who wants to watch botchathon Ryback or 3 move Cena against your only decent...
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    Hernandez & Chavo Win The Gold

    The end of this match was such a let down. The crowd hated it more boo's than ever when they won - pisses me off as chavo onl;y got the belt as he is related to Eddie - had to resort to bringing him up "again" to get any sort of pop. Kaz and Daniels should have stayed champs - overall the...
  6. M

    Jeff Hardy Ressurected: New TNA World Champion & New Title Belt

    Hey guys just signed up to put my thoughts across. I used to watch TNA back in 2008 and only recently started watching again - Near end of BFG series. Anyway always been a fan of Hardy since the world wildlife federation days TLC matches etc. However since watching again I have...