Recent content by Madeye36

  1. M

    Has The Undertaker's Streak Become A Parody Of Itself?

    No, the streak is still a relevant part of wrestlemania & a lot of people still tune in to find out if it's going to continue. I sometimes think people put too much thought into a show. Just sit back & enjoy the action. Everyone says "this was predictable or that was was". Really? So you knew...
  2. M

    Brock Lesnar Appears At UFC 146: Anything To This?

    Yeah he was a draw when he looked unbeatable. If he gets dominated again like his last couple fights people won't buy UFC PPV's just to see him. He is getting too old for MMA & doesn't have the time to gain experience. It showed when guys just as big & fast as him dominated him. Injury or not...
  3. M

    Rock/Brock at Mania hurt current superstars

    Plus, Rock vs.Brock isn't really that good of a matchup. It's not like they are standout scientific wrestlers ala Shawn Michaels Vs.Brett Hart. It's just 2 big names
  4. M

    Rock/Brock at Mania hurt current superstars

    Yes it would hurt the current roster. Everyone is looking at it as things stand right now. How do you know they won't give Punk the mic again like they did before? If they would've ran with his first "shoot" promo last year he'd rival Rock or Brock, easy. But back in the day, the Rock wasn't the...
  5. M

    WHY! WHY! WHY!

    Why did ADR, Lord Tensai, & Brock Lesnar come back last night? BECAUSE WWE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT SMACKDOWN! There you go assclown
  6. M

    Inappropriate Selling during interactions

    How did he get screwed by the Rock? He came to show respect to the Rock. He lost fair & square. Why should he be pissed? He called out the Rock & got pinned by a better superstar in the biggest match of the year. All the marks who come on here complaining about booking or no selling, well you...
  7. M

    Inappropriate Selling during interactions

    Really? Really? Just another thread to hate on Cena. It was no secret that Lesnar was back. Hell, the fans were chanting we want Brock. What is Cena supposed to do? Run & cower? If he did that then there'd be a thread today about him looking weak & not standing up to Lesnar.
  8. M

    Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) - World Heavyweight Championship

    I think some times the fans think they put a show together with having the least interesting/least talented matches go first & then you just keep building up to better & better matches. It doesn't work that way. You need a break in between emotional or action packed matches. Daniel Bryan won the...
  9. M

    The Official WWE Championships Thread

    I like longer title runs. I mean with a longer reign you can have more superstars going after the belt. How many times did Orton & Cena trade the belt with each other? That's also how you move other people into the title picture instead of it always being the same ones. You have a mid card guy...
  10. M

    Was the NWA Wrestling to the WWE like how ABA B-Ball was to the NBA?

    Obviously you must be a younger fan. Or maybe you are confusing NWA with WCW. I know it's confusing. Back in the NWA territory days, the NWA was bigger than the WWF/E. WWF/E was only in the northeast part of the country. NWA was midwest to a degree, East coast, south & Pacific Northwest. I used...
  11. M

    Is TNA's Current Roster One of the Best in the Last Decade of Pro Wrestling?

    I'm not disagreeing but at 1 time WCW had the greatest roster of all time. At least in terms of star power but creative ruined that. Hopefully TNA is headed in the right direction because I'll watch the product for the in-ring action but end up turning the station when they start showing some...
  12. M

    Is Miz Officially A Jobber?

    I still don't get them blaming him for the bad ss buyrate or the r-truth botch. My feelings are, Truth botched that spot. Why wouldn't you do that move towards the Miz? Was he supposed to run over & catch Truth? That would look good. Summerslam was just a bad show
  13. M

    The Issue With Zema Ion

    Well, TNA put it out there & now you guys are talking about it. Exactly what they want to happen. What is wrong with them playing it up? Wasn't Randy Orton the Legend Killer? Doesn't Mark Henry have the Hall of Pain? Ion doesn't fit the "killer" or "Crippler" mold, he's a high flying X division...
  14. M

    The Ultimate Jobber

    The WWE had the most famous jobbers but Mike Sharpe was actually brought in as a legit threat but then quickly faded to jobber. He used to "load" his leather fore arm things and knock his opponent out. The Brooklyn Brawler became the brawler when he started fueding with The Red Rooster Terry...
  15. M

    Was There More To Steve Austin Than Stone Cold?

    I have a suggestion, buy the Stone Cold dvd. Awesome content! When he turned heel & joined McMahon he was doing a lot of comedy. Him singing & playing guitar. They showed where he was playing kiss ass to McMahon, repeating everything he said. Making Kurt Angle where a cowboy hat that was too...