Recent content by kidmachismo

  1. K

    J-e-double F-j-a-double R-j-e-double T

    It's J-E-DOUBLE F-J-A-DOUBLE R-E-DOUBLE T - love the girl bending over btw.
  2. K

    Why isn't Bob Backlund in the Hall Of Fame

    Backlund will eventually get in. If Koko can make it, anyone can. What a joke. I know he was entertaining but so what. The HOF needs some clear standards. I understand JYD getting in with no titles - everyone knows him. But i refuse to put Koko in the same grouping...
  3. K

    Would a reduced PPV schedule help or hurt wrestling?

    I definitely think a reduction in PPV's are in order. But I think PPV's with matches we can't see on normal wwe/tna programming is important also. I stopped ordering these expensive PPVs because not only do they show all the highlights the next night on raw, but they also usually feature...