Recent content by Histerix

  1. H

    **MERGED** Jack Swagger, Zeb Coulter & Swagger's Arrest (Keep it all here!!)

    I dont know if anyone has posted a resolve to this situation such as what I think should be done, I can imagine that he will be taken off the wrestlemania card as allowing him to compete sets a bad image for the companys wellness policy. Not punishing him could leave a bad taste in the mouth of...
  2. H

    Which WWE personality has made you laugh the most?

    A great moment I remember was between Booker T and Tajiri Booker T is pithcing an advertisement to Tajiri saying "Hey Japanese people, why do ya'll got such nasty hair, just because you know kung fu doesnt mean you know shampoo" Tajiri gets offended by this and calls Booker "Buckwheat on...
  3. H

    A John Cena "Pipe Bomb" = Heel Turn

    Cena is way better off being a cocky heel/Anti-hero.....heres what I mean. John Cena has been the face of the company for the last few years now, I rekon that he should make a turn in which he starts taking that position for granted and starts becoming real cocky about the fact that hes the...
  4. H

    Brock Lesnar- Do you want to see him again?

    I do want to see brock again simply cuz its something different and stirs the pot a bit. As far as his feud with HHH goes it seems like Brock doesnt give 2 shits if he doesnt win against him considering hes being paid so much money. Then again maybe thats the reason thats he lost his match...
  5. H

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    You know, I sort of agree with you on the main arguement youre presenting. If i didnt know any better it seems that John Cena likes to sweep the rug out from underneath other wrestlers. He'll point things out that he shouldnt about other wrestlers in promos. He doesnt sell in regards...
  6. H

    TNA To Air In New Zealand

    Wow, a surprising number of people from New Zealand...Including myself :) I am looking forword to this, I havent really watched TNA so its gonna be interesting to see just HOW bad it apparently has become/ has always been. And there might be some moments of nostalgia for my dad who will...
  7. H

    When Did You Start Liking CM Punk?

    I only really started to notice punk when he was injured and ended up doing commentary for a short while, I dunno why but thats really when I took significant notice of CM Punk simply because he was great as a commentator. I really do hope then when he does end up retiring he considers taking a...
  8. H

    Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

    Ill agree that Miz vs Cm Punk might be very possible. Dont know about a triple threat match between sheamus, mark henry and big show though. I personally believe that regardless of who wins which championship at wrestlemania, my question is what is Daniel Bryan going to do? Is he going to...
  9. H

    What's Your Biggest Letdown?

    Although I know that this is exclusively for WWE pay per views I still cant forget the absolute dissapointment in WCW Starcade when Hogan did not allow Sting to beat him farely and they had to have all that fast count crap with Bret Hart. SUCH a dissapointment, that was the day that I realised...
  10. H

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    Cena is way better off being a cocky heel/Anti-hero.....heres what I mean. John Cena has been the face of the company for the last few years now, I rekon that he should make a turn in which he starts taking that position for granted and starts becoming real cocky about the fact that hes the...
  11. H

    Was Brian Pillman the "Marty Jannetty" of the Hollywood Blondes?

    As you can see, I was quite a fan of Brian Pillman. I think the consensus has been reached that Brian definatly did not suffer the same effects of a tag team split that Marty Jannetty went through. We were unable to see his full potential due to his accident and subsiquent addiction/death. I...
  12. H

    Best there is, Best there ever was?

    These replys have been pretty interesting, Since we are addressing who we think are the best of ALL time. Technical Chris Benoit, Any time you heard those first few grinding chords in his entrance, you knew an ass kicking was coming with it. May not have been as precise as Kurt Hennig or Bret...
  13. H

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    God knows how many threads ive read now about how people want John Cena to make a heel turn and be a villian.Cena is way better off being a cocky heel/Anti-hero.....heres what I mean. John Cena has been the face of the company for the last few years now, I rekon that he should make a heel...
  14. H

    WORST finisher of all time!!

    Theres either finishers that are horrible for the wrestler using them and then theres the finishing moves in general that just suck!! I always cringed when I saw the chokeslam being performed by Hurricane Helms!!! As far as a stupid finishing move in general? the award goes to either the...