Recent content by GI Cake

  1. G

    Cam Newton makes more headlines at a press conference

    Yep, a handful of tweets totally excuses Cam Newton for making a sexist comment to a reporter who was giving Newton and his players praise.
  2. G

    NBA Offseason

    The Defense this year has improved from poor to average prior to some debilitating injuries, and the Howard/Cohen punch from the backfield is a lot of fun to watch. But I don't think Mitch has what it takes to make this team anything more than 3-13 or 4-12. I don't think the Bulls going into...
  3. G

    NBA Offseason

    I try my best.
  4. G


    PUBG has the worst god damn name in the history of video games. "Battlegrounds" on it's own would be perfectly good name. That being said, I fucking love this game, the gunplay is the best in a game in a long long time and the one life makes everything so much more intense. This game shines in...
  5. G

    NBA Offseason

    Between the Bears starting the living epitome of a dude-bro at Quarterback,and the Bulls absolutely falling off a cliff with our best player being an oft injured Euro big man, I'm just gonna hope the Cubs repeat while I drink myself into a depressive stupor.
  6. G

    Taking The Knee

    Forced patriotism is not true patriotism. Personally I had to completely alter my lifestyle, eating habits, and mindset just for the chance to enlist in the United States Army. I grew up in a family of Marines, and Soldiers that have fought for the country as far back as World War I. I have...
  7. G

    Do You Hate Fat People?

    Things are going pretty great. Korea has been a blast, but I can't wait to get back to the states where I can start working with the NSA. Fun times are definitely ahead.
  8. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    I don't recall asking people to leave the fed, and I honestly don't care about the issue anymore to look through it, so I'll go ahead and take your word for it. Either way, I did apologize for it, that much I do recall. As far as the title defense at Unscripted, I didn't exactly have a say in...
  9. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Someone is really booty tickled about a whole bunch of nothing. You make one thread about how you feel creative shouldn't take criticism so personally and suddenly that makes you a social pariah I guess.
  10. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    President Donald Pump #MakeAmericaSwoleAgain
  11. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    I'm 3 hours into a 24 hour guard shift so I got all the time in the world.
  12. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    That shit was so cheesy you could make a pizza with it.
  13. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Ohh shit, is it Gold Rush season already?
  14. G

    Do You Hate Fat People?

    Damn, Dagger roasting Henderson like he just came out as Dagger's gay son.
  15. G

    WZCW Discussion Thread

    Know what days I hate? Leg days. I hate leg day