Recent content by Fanai

  1. F

    Do the WWE lifers despise Sting and his presence in their workplace?

    So the guy is paid a LOT of money, gets the upper hand on all his appearances before mania, his FIRST match ever with the company is at wrestlemania and lost to 5 younger guys and a sledge hammer and people are still bitching about how he was buried and how triple h and wwe hates him. Just use...
  2. F

    Why do so many people hate the Miz?

    I don't hate the guy. My opinion of him is that he should have never been given the WWE title. He is a upper-midcarder at his best. He is decent on the mic and in the ring but nothing more than that. Giving him the WWE title and a main event at WM was a huge mistake when there were much better...
  3. F

    Should Ryback Be Fired?

    Who said it wasn't that bad? It was bad, but he landed on the table or else explain how did the table broke... About Ricky Steamboat, he also took a spine buster and a 450 splash but you said it was the meathook that got him... also maybe he told them backstage to give it all they got to make it...
  4. F

    Should Ryback Be Fired?

    Just see how the fuck!ng table broke and messed up his head... he landed on it the rest is just bad props. ive seen a lot of worst shit in wrestling and people don't get fired for it. It took for him to speak about it for you people to come here and post all this crap and be so outraged about...
  5. F

    Triple H is openly racist in the lockeroom and to employees - Del Rio in UK interview

    I have yet to see a person leaving the company for Racial abuse. People allways come to make these coments after they are fired/released from WWE. It is not beeing a mark as you put it, it's using common sense. If they are really beeing abused and not reporting it cause they want to continue...
  6. F

    Triple H is openly racist in the lockeroom and to employees - Del Rio in UK interview

    Another post from this guy about racism... Hey guy, don't believe about all your read in the internet. If what Del Rio is spewing is true (im pretty sure it isn't...) then he is an accomplice to allow racism to hapen in WWE by keeping his mouth shut while he gets championships and big money...
  7. F

    Say Thank You To The Hollywood Part-Timer

    Most wrestling fans nowadays have childlike mentality, if they don't get what they want they whine and "hijack"the shows. They boo and cheer people because it is "cool" to, not because they are bad or good. The WWE shouldn't pander to all these whines cause it only makes the story telling even...
  8. F

    The "Deal With It" Era

    It has allways been the "deal with it era"... it is a show made by writers and it has allways been, i don´t understand why people think it was ever made by the audience. It is pretty simple, you like it you watch it you don't like it you won´t. It looks like the debate many years ago about if...