Recent content by Docmadness

  1. D

    James Storm is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion

    I'm gonna be honest, I think this is a left field move by TNA. I think its a great move which leads me to believe this wasn't all TNA booking's decision. As soon as I saw that Roode got screwed and then saw that Storm was getting a shot....the first thing that popped into my head was 'Roode is...
  2. D

    **MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

    Well......I've been a fan of this sport for many many years. Theres been very few times when I've gotten goose bumps when some came outta nowhere or returned.....and The Rock's return did it. And I believe it was good for the ENTIRE industry. I think it was JR that said something along the...
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    **Merged** All Things Undertaker/Sting - KEEP IT IN HERE!

    Aight everyone.....everyone wants to think that if Sting is involved in this 2-21-11 video that he will be facing the Taker. But I haven't seen anyone say much about this: "Why set up two men in the same fashion if they are going to be facing each other????" No one has thought about the...
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    Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

    I think that maybe everyone is thinking too much of the short term with this. I'm still not sold on the HHH/Taker match at Mania. We haven't seen HHH is a very long time. And I highly doubt he is going to be coming back as a heel. If he come back as a heel, there won't be any badass 'give ya...
  5. D

    John Morrison, The Blind Master

    Look gang.....all the big boys like The Rock, Sting, Taker, Hogan, Flair.....found themselves in the early stages of their careers in a rut. And they all found that one storyline that shot them into stardom and added to the character. The thing they all do is captivate the audience. And was...