Recent content by Da-N

  1. D

    McMahon/Finlay "Deal"

    I agree with cage Finley being the father wasn't the deal. It will be a mystery like the others. Especially since vince hasn't been on tv in three weeks he is phasing himself out of the angle. Im not sure about bossman At first they tried to make it seem like it was sid helping savange but...
  2. D

    McMahon/Finlay "Deal"

    ARE we ever going to find out what the deal was or wil that be a wrestling mystery like who moved the brief case in the mcmahons vs austin ladder match, who drovethe hummer that hit nash, who were the powers that be.
  3. D

    Live Discussion: RAW 3/3/2008

    do you think kenedy will start doing the intro again ever?
  4. D

    Live Discussion: RAW 3/3/2008

    whyy does kenedy never introduce himself anymore did i miss something?!?
  5. D

    General WrestleMania XXIV Discussion

    updated/predicted card Triple threat Match orton v. cena. v. triple h I hope triple wins this one. He cant turn heel by feuding with cena because he will still be cheered alot. So maybe if hardy wins mitb that can help turn him heel. If kenedy wins mitb cena will win this match if hardy...
  6. D

    WrestleMania XXIV: Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H

    I like this main event alot. It has a lot of history. First there was the cena triple h mas two years ago. Then you have triple h's injury putting him out of action. Then you have the orton cena feud that has been going on a while. This also includes the redemption for triple h's three title...
  7. D

    Why Bury Submission Wrestling?

    well at least we know the walls of jericho is coming back hopefully this is a sign of things to come. I know cena isn't that well liked but he has the stfu when he comes back. I liked seeing kenedy do the half crab hopefully he will incorporate this into his arsenal. That also goes for hbk using...
  8. D

    The 'Ask A Question' Thread

    this question will be more of speculation there are actually a couple questions. Does anyone know who drove the hummer that crashed into nash in wcw i dont think it was sid i think they canceled that idea? Whart was GTV? Who were the powers that be in wcw? and Who raised the brief case in the...
  9. D

    The 'Ask A Question' Thread

    also who were the powers that be
  10. D

    The 'Ask A Question' Thread

    does anyone know who drove the hummer that ran into kevin nash and who raised the briefcase in the mcmahons vs stone cold ladder match
  11. D

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    what do you think some of these long run angles they are setting up will be? Also what do you think vinces plan is for next week? I think it was very important that he said that thing about having things happen at the right time.
  12. D

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    ya good idea bringing dx and stone cold back in the same night. I like that they are trying to bring back the attitude era. Something caught my attention though. Vince seemed like he expected that and that he was happy about dx next week. This raises the question why? could the answer be the...
  13. D

    No Mercy: WWE Championship

    i hope orton wins the spinner belt and then on raw does away with it himself in his ceremony. Then HHH inturupts him. They tease a Triple H orton title match for later in the night. When it comes down to it HHH is attacked from behind by Umaga and Carlito. Then vince comes out and you have...
  14. D

    Chris Jericho To Return [Not the save us promos]

    if its jericho that would be a good way to do it. I think though what could also happen is Orton wins and then the same thing happens only with hbk at the top of the ramp. Orton could loose though seeing as he got the advantage last. I guess it all depends on if cena is really injured.
  15. D

    [Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread

    This is what will happen and a can guarendamtee it.... It will be announced that there is no long lost child. In fact it was a hoax by the Mcmahons to scare him into changing his ways. When he reacts in a way opposite to what they wanted then stephanie will say i thought you might react this...