Recent content by Cinnamon

  1. C

    Daniel Bryan's Weak Link "Conditioning"

    When Daniel Bryan was in the midst of the "weak link" storyline last Summer, Michael Cole consistently referred to it as a result of "[blank] conditioning," a psychological term I'd never heard before. I've been trying to figure out what they were calling it, but NO amount of clever Google...
  2. C

    Why does WWE favor Stone Cold to The Rock?

    Anyway, to succinctly sum up my take on Austin and Rock's positions in WWE history/lore: Stone Cold Steve Austin = The Beatles of the Attitude Era The Rock = The Rolling Stones of the Attitude Era
  3. C

    Why does WWE favor Stone Cold to The Rock?

    James Greiga, I don't want to get into an internet flame war with you, especially since most of what we're alleging is subjective. However, I have to highlight this: I'm not sure what your sources are, but everyone from Punk to WWE themselves have said that Punk was the first superstar in 5-6...
  4. C

    Why does WWE favor Stone Cold to The Rock?

    Austin has no "official" affiliation with the company, but he's on good terms with them and is basically a phone call away, provided that he's given a good angle/reason to be an onscreen presence. 2011-2013 was spent putting over Rock at every opportunity. First of all, I don't count Edge...
  5. C

    WWE's New Message?

    Bryan's "Occupy Raw" stunt did seem forced and ham-fisted. However, I think it's WWE's way of putting into the storyline what happened in real life: fans consistently let it be known that anything less than Daniel Bryan in the main event of Wrestlemania was unacceptable, and as a result (with...
  6. C

    Who would you put in a Hogan led Stable

    No one. Hogan is good for occasional "Hey, remember Hulk Hogan? Holy shit, here he is!" nostalgia appearances. His usefulness as a regular onscreen character of any sort--wrestler, manager, even general manager (at least on a long-term basis)--is pretty much nil.
  7. C

    Anyone else tired of hearing about the Monday Night War?

    The funny thing is: the 1997-2002 period in WWE (basically the Attitude Era) was a time where WWE not only actively ignored their own history as a company, they routinely minimized it, mocked it, and shit on it. Outside of Wrestlemania video packages, history before 1997 didn't exist. It...
  8. C

    Where does John Cena rank among all-time greats?

    Top 20. It's hard to rate wrestlers. With other sports, it's simply a matter of "How effective were they in leading the team to victory?" Here, you have to take so many factors into account: drawing power, staying power, in-ring ability, mic skills, connection with audience, merchandise...
  9. C

    The Wrestlemania Twist

    From a business standpoint, Bryan vs. HHH should be a schmozz of some sort. Maybe HHH beats Bryan down, getting disqualified and weakening him for the main event; maybe it's a countout; maybe HHH wins via sledgehammer, then Vince/Hogan/whoever reverses it; maybe it's a double-countout that turns...
  10. C

    State of the WWE - Is it better since Punk walked out?

    Without knowing the inner-workings of WWE, it's impossible to say. But it would appear very likely that yes, it has helped. WWE always seems to be a few years behind the curve, and they like to give their With WWE going in the direction of Punk vs. the Authority/HHH, it was apparent that Punk...
  11. C

    Why does WWE favor Stone Cold to The Rock?

    Do they favor Austin over Rock? They spent 2011 to 2013 jerking the Rock off at every opportunity. He got a birthday tribute episode of Raw with celebrities and a video package, he beat the WWE's top two starts of the past 7-8 years (John Cena and CM Punk), won the fucking WWE Championship...
  12. C

    So much hate for Daniel Bryan

    First of all, to me, it still seems like he has a massive amount of supporters, and is the second-most popular performer in the company at present, behind Cena. I would argue that this was true even before CM Punk's departure. The only thing that's hindering him (and a number of wrestler's have...