Recent content by Burrows94

  1. B

    What was your favorite Video Package Hyping a Match?

    For me, the Biker chain match package with the tribal music was fantastic. Mainly focused on Lesnar rather than taker. Was great. Also, can anyone tell me the name of tribal music? Its super.
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    Would Brock Lesnar have succeeded without Paul Heyman?

    In my opinion? No. Not a chance. Paul Heyman as incredible. Check out this promo. Starts after the intro. Puts him over like a king. Then Lesnar butchers the excellent promo.
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    Who would you like to see return?

    Crash died buddy.
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    The WWE Series: 9) Sin Cara

    He is basically on par with what Ultimo Dragon was meant to be. The next big star with a different ethnicity. Sadly, Speaking the language is pretty much a must have in the WWE where you're only as strong as your worst promo.
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    WWE Commentary Teams

    I loved Michael Cole and Tazz. I thought they were a hilarious combo at funny situations yet kinda good at serious ones.
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    WWE No Way Out 2012: Sheamus (c) VS Dolph Ziggler [World Heavyweight Championship]

    PWinsider is reporting the following: Thoughts? Is there any weight in the concussion rumor? Who will replace Del Rio in the title match if he has to drop? Personally I think this is BS, But if Del Rio does have to drop out, I would have...
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    WWE No Way Out: General Discussion

    PWinsider is reporting the following: Thoughts? Is there any weight in the concussion rumor? Who will replace Del Rio in the title match if he has to drop? Personally I think this is...
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    what would've the main event scene in WCW looked like had it still been around

    Honestly, I think It would be something along the lines of Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan.
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    Brock Lesnar Appears At UFC 146: Anything To This?

    A cave being, England. UFC isn't promoted at all here, I'm willing to say 100% of sports fans here have heard of WWE, not ufc.
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    Brock Lesnar Appears At UFC 146: Anything To This?

    UFC 100(?) with Lesnar's second fight pulled 1.6 million viewers, More than wrestlemania, alot less promoted than wrestlemania and alot less popular. He was and always will be their biggest draw, simply because he had exposure in WWE before UFC and the fans followed him, And they will do it...
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    When do you think the PG Era will come to an end ???

    OH LOOK, ITS THIS THREAD AGAIN. I beg someone just closes this.
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    Damien Sandow Rules

    REFEREE, REFEREE, PLEASE DO YOUR JOB, REFEREE, THANK YOU. I see a world heavyweight champion in Sandow, he can go from aggressive to perfectly calm in seconds and cut a killer promo.
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    WWE Merchandise in Public

    Wish I was from a place like you, Im from Birmingham, England. if i wore a WWE T shirt in public I would probably get stabbed. (Little extreme, Maybe smacked up a little).
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    WWE Merchandise in Public

    Lets be completely honest, These days if you wear WWE merchandise in public you are bound to be criticized, ridiculed or avoided. Wrestling (WWE in particular) is a social Faux Pas to most people 16+. And most of its older fans are ashamed to wear stuff with the 'W' logo on it. (In the UK thats...
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    **MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

    This x100,000,000. I laughed hard when i read this. Everyone on here is talking like Goldberg was a technical expert. he wasn't. he was a NFL guy who failed then saw a WCW logo and thought, I'LL DO THAT! Ryback is actually trained, and has been training and learning for a while. Therefor, he...