Recent content by Brothervis

  1. B

    Introducing The League Of Nations

    Well for one before this group was formed why was Wade Barrett Sheamus's whipping boy? Sheamus is from the northern part of Ireland which is a wannabe England. Wade Barrett won King of the Ring this year but he acts like Virgil. Not that I like Wade but that doesn't make sense. ADR just mocked...
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    Introducing The League Of Nations

    renaissanceman2014 I give you credit for predicting something as Bunch non Americans storyline since it never happens and give credit for thinking HHH's buddy would lead the group. This storyline is stupid. ADR and Zeb ripped England so why would Wade join this. Why would ADR give up his...
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    Kurt Angle Return

    Royal Rumble 2015 and I can see him starting a feud with maybe Cesaro but also maybe Daniel Bryan. I don't know how people feel here but know Kurt will have a spot this coming WM. Punk would be cool but right now it seems unlikely.
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    Best Seller: The Rock or Dolph Ziggler?

    toss up between the two. Both could over sell but not like HBK vs Hogan at SS05 match. I would say Rock but I am bias. Both are better than this unprofessional Ahole that people like
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    Why did HBK go over Jericho at WM19?

    because HHH was going to beat Booker T in the next match.Clique was in full force burying future potential talent.CM Punk was lucky to being in a big fish in a small pond like he is now because if two guys who are more talented than CM Punk got buried what would happen to Punk.
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    Cena After The Title Reign

    After he drops the title he will still be main eventing the PPV ask CM Punk
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    Report: Sting & WWE....Again.

    The fact the wwe still wants Sting after all these years shows they think he can still draw. It also shows that after Cena no one can draw big numbers. D Bryan can but he needs superman to put him over and no him going yes yes yes you owe me daniel bryan is not putting him over. Sting if given a...
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    If you look thru the times you would see heel=star. HBK,Austin,HHH, The Rock, John Cena, Undertaker,Edge,Christian,Mankind, also Bradshaw and Farooq. You don't have to begin as a heel but eventually you need to be a heel to be a star. It is a way for you to make a name. Does anyone agree?
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    Happy Accidents

    HBK being a Junkie allowing Undertaker to continue his streak was a happy accident. He was suppose to ref the Taker/HHH match at WM17 and have HHH go over in screwjob fashion that only the clique could do. The irony is HBK would be the Ref in that match but only 11 years later.
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    Will we ever see Scott Hall in the WWE again?

    Probably when Punk rips the clique. They will have punk pour alcohol on scott hall to get him some more cheap heat while the sheep chant cm punk. Personally i hope Hall stays away for for for life unless it's for the Hall of fame induction
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    Are the Scholars going to split up?

    Please stop injesting heroin no one wants to see you die. I highly doubt the Bellas will be Sandow's manager because they are beneath his IQ. They only served tension in the cody/sandow/Kaitlyn friendship/relationship.
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    CM Punk's next title reign?

    Don't expect another reign for a while if he gets it before summerslam it makes him look like a joke. It would prove the title makes him rather than him making the title. He should be like Cena or Orton when it comes to being treated like a main event without needing a title match
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    Paul Bearer Passed Away

    Poor Paul Bearer he died unexpectedly. Got A feeling it was a heart attack that did him in. Poor man will now get mocked by Punk who say " Mark you may have the streak at WM but just like your friend Will your streak will die" all the IWC will go what great emotion by Punk And thats why he's...
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    Rock vs CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title match

    Guess people like the WWE to be predictable. Punk gets owned by Undertaker. Cena beats The Rock. Triple HHH beats Lesnar. The same people who complain about those matches are the ones saying no to A Rock vs Punk vs Cena match because triple threats are boring. I hate Punk but what was the point...
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    Rock vs CM Punk vs John Cena WWE title match

    Anyone with half a brain knows this should be the match. The first being if it's Cena vs Rock we know Cena will win just like if it's Punk vs The Rock somehow that Punk would win. We know that the Rock will job but why not make interesting with a triple threat. The last WM in the Metropolitan...