Recent content by brodymulder

  1. B

    WWE Breaking Point: Signapore Cane Match

    What I think is funniest is that apparently the Ziggler/Morrison match was taken off the card because they couldn't think of an ending to it that would benefit either superstar. What possible ending could come out of this match that would be any better? I mean, the other one had a title...
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    Do we need squash matches?

    That is pretty much where I stand. I think squash matches are necessary to build some people up (it works best in extremes with big men or really fast working cruiserweights) but these should only have a shelf life of a two pay per view cycle at best (meaning the house shows and tv tapings that...
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    Jeff Hardy Arrested

    For what it's worth, Hardy updated his twitter 20 minutes ago with the following message: "Alot of exaggerations are out there today, don't believe everything you read 4 it is not true, I am at home and fine-thanks for your concern" As for my opinion, I was never a huge fan of Jeff's, but I am...
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    Best Match you've seen on free TV?

    The Kurt and Brock ironman match was epic. I had almost forgotten about that one, but it is easily one of the best free tv matches I have ever seen. My favorite, however would have to be the ladder match between Jeff Hardy and The Undertaker for the Undisputed Championship on Monday Night...
  5. B

    Is John Morrison + World Title = Ratings?

    Ratings? No way. Not unless he has the HBK's initial push and that took years to establish and hone to perfection. Morrison is talented and the best spot monkey in the WWE at the moment. I'm never bored watching any of his matches no matter how dead the crowd seems at times. Now with Edge out...
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    The Miz Buried

    I'm not shocked at how the Cena/Miz feud has progressed, but I am still upset with how it was handled. Deep down I knew that at The Bash, Miz was not going to go over. Why? Because Cena's movie comes out on DVD two days after the PPV. From an economic standpoint and from a psychological...
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    Shelton Benjaman in the ME?

    I think he could be there at some point, but now is just not the time, and by the time he gets there it could be just another retirement angle. Not much else I can say that hasn't already been said. Great in the ring, his mic skills make me want to jump into a bathtub full of water and gasoline...
  8. B

    Kozlov is turning face

    I don't think I entirely agree. I kind of liked the brief period when he was a face even though he never even wrestled as one. If he goes that route, I'll give it a shot. The monster heel thing does get boring after a while, especially with someone like Kozlov. It's not the 80s anymore and this...
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    Dolph Ziggler Discussion: Is He Really Perfection?

    Too early to tell, but for now I am going with fiction. Ziggler hasn't really shown anything good or bad. To me he is just kind of there. Pretty good talent, though.
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    The Anti-IWC Syndrome

    I agree with that completely. Back in the day I could remember thinking that Papa Shango was pretty entertaining (and scary). I was there for The Gobbledygooker incident and my younger self thought it was fun and silly. When you are younger , it isn't very hard to be entertained. Then you...
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    What WWE Superstar is the most misused?

    Pretty much everyone that has been mentioned here I agree with. Although, not so much with Kane (he really has lost a step in the past few years). I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that they will probably never do anything exciting with Shelton, which annoys me greatly. Am I the only person...
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    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    Hi everyone. I didn't even know this section existed, so now that I have already posted a few times before, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Andy and I am originally from Boston, Massachusetts, but I am now living in Toronto, Ontario. I grew up loving wrestling, then, oddly...
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    What would YOU do with THE Brian Kendrick?

    I can't really understand what the big problem WWE seems to have with Kendrick other than his size. By now, he really should be an upper middle card wrestler. I don't think he has been on a PPV since they had those "Championship Scramble" matches a while back. Make Kendrick be really cocky...
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    General WWE Complaining & PG Rating Thread

    I can keep it very short and simple: new story lines with new people and more actual action with less talking and corny comedy skits that only Vince thinks are funny.
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    5 Reasons the Action is on Fridays

    It seems to me from the past few weeks and just looking at the names on the Raw and Smackdown rosters that there is probably an ego problem at Raw. Clearly Raw is still Vince's Baby and he will do anything to keep it the way he wants it. he probably doesn't even care if people like the...