Recent content by bonesaw

  1. B

    What to do with the US title?

    Huge Stars used to hold the US Title. In fact, many World Title Contenders would hold the US title in between the World Title Runs. Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Vader, Luger, Flair, Goldberg, DDP, Steiner, Booker T, Bret Hart, and Dusty Rhodes all held the US Title after they had already been World...
  2. B

    Goldberg in the Hall of Fame?

    Was Goldberg a great 'worker'? No. Did Goldberg "pay his dues"? No. Did Goldberg have a long storied career? No. However, Goldberg had more fans and drew more money within a 2 year span than most Pro Wrestlers do in a lifetime. He is a definite WWE Hall of Famer. I would never argue that he...
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    It's Official: Sting Makes his First WWE Appearance

    I grew up watching NWA wrestling in the late 80's. I always favored WCW over the WWE until 99-00. Sting was the most popular superstar of that era in NWA/WCW. I went to NWA and later on WCW shows and painted my face, even had a damn rat tail when I was very young! People loved Sting during the...
  4. B

    Brock Lesnar is ready for The Rock after ending The Streak

    Am I the only guy that would love to see Brock Lesnar as a face? I know it is not likely, but we all remember the HUGE ovation he received in 2012 when returned to the WWE. It is one of the biggest pops in the last several years. Plus, his advocate Paul Heyman's new client Cesaro is one of the...
  5. B

    Current WWE Stars as Horsemen

    Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Flair, Benoit, Barry Windham, etc. The horsemen was a group of technically sound, cool, arrogant heels that dominated the 80's and 90's. They were the most elite group of all time. What current WWE Wrestlers would have fit in with the Horsemen? Here's my opinion...
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    Tag Team Idea.

    I would love to see AWESOME TRUTH make a return. R-Truth has been out and had nothing major going anyway. The Miz is just awkward trying to be a face. With the exception of Team Hell No, they were the most entertaining tag team I've seen in many years.
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    Brock VS CM Punk

    Anyone who saw the reaction that Brock got the 1st night he returned knows it was the loudest reaction WWE has seen for quite some time. When Brock returns, are him and Punk going to be Allies? I would love to see Brock return and not get along with Punk, Heyman tries to make the alliance...
  8. B

    Report: Possible Nexus Return?

    I think it hasn't been long enough since they disbanded. Let them keep doing their own thing, building their own characters for awhile. Do it when nobody expects it. Then it will mean more. I wouldn't want to see it at this point. I miss the old days when you actually got surprised by...
  9. B

    If WWE were smart....

    The CRUISERWEIGHT matches in wcw were highly entertaining. It was one of the best parts of Monday Nitro. It launched the careers of Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Jericho. They were able to go win titles such as TV, US, Intercontinental, and 2 of them World Titles...
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    Jack Swagger, where does he go from here?

    Why not try Jack out as a face? He's been heel for years and hasn't developed a character and really gotten over. What could it hurt?
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    How to save Tag Team Wrestling.

    Back in the 1980's and early 1990's, many pro wrestlers had great careers being full time tag team wrestlers. (LOD, Steiners til 98, Rock -n- Roll, Midnight Express, Freebirds, Bushwhackers, Demolition, etc.) All the wrestlers today want to be top dog World Champion, Biggest Star of the Company...
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    WWE tag teams

    Mason Ryan and Ryback would make a very intimidating team. They would need some veteran teams to work with though. Too bad Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson aren't a little younger.
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    WWE tag teams

    How about this. R-Truth and Heath Slater! Talk about an odd couple, they're as different as you can possibly be. They're both entertaining and good wrestlers. They could try to convince each other to listen to their own style of music. It would be hilarious
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    First AW, now Tensai!?

    I can't believe they're making such a big deal over these things. AW makes a Kobe joke, how many jokes have Jay Leno, Letterman, Conan made about Kobe? Why is it ok for them, but not for a wrestler? Go back and look at the feud from 1996/1997 between Jerry Lawler and Goldust. Jerry literally...
  15. B

    **MERGED** Championships WWE Should Consider (keep it in here!!)

    Definitely the cruiserweight/Light Weight Title. Go watch WCW from the late 90's, some of the best matches you'll ever watch. Especially Rey Mysterio vs Dean Malenko. I'd like to see the IC and US Titles have the prestige it used to when the likes of Henning, Rude, Warrior, Bret Hart, Shawn...