Recent content by Awesomesauceinacup

  1. A

    If the Dudleys Had Stayed...

    They tried that in the wwe by putting Bubba on Raw and Devon on Smackdown. Bubba didnt change much but Devon was doing his Reverend Devon gimmick. The only good thing that happened during that was Batista debuted as Devons "Deacon" As of right now, im not a big TNA watcher though I try to...
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    Nash back to TNA?

    Come on guys..... This is Kevin Nash were talking about here. Money talks. He's staying with wwe.
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    Does Cena not care about the WWE title?

    Okay so...... Cena was most likely laughing the other night because he was getting booed during his entrance. He always seems to smile when the Cena sucks chants happen. Also.....why is everyone complaining about waiting a dang year? Don't you realize what happens in a year? THE ROCK...
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    Owen Hart WWE Legacy and HOF consideration?

    Thats pretty sad right there. It's like Owen's wife is mad at wrestling because of his death. He didnt die because of a wrestling move or during a match. His death was caused by a stunt gone wrong. Owen definitely deserves that recognition.
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    Honkey Tonk Man Rips Hogan in Blog

    Sounds about right..... I swear Hogan will wind up dieing in the ring like randy "The Ram". He just can't give it up. Even if giving it up will benefit his own health. He still thinks he's some kind of big superstar that everybody loves and cherishes but in all actuality people don't care...
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    Angelina from Jersey Shore to Debut on March 3rd

    Wow..... Good job TNA. Another prime example of what you should NOT be doing. Oh yeah...lets get people who can't wrestle, train them for two months and then let them loose on each other in front of the world....or at least the 12 ppl watching IMpact. Not a good idea. The match is...
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    Traci Brooks Returns to TNA

    Yeah.....honestly who actually cares about Traci Brooks? I almost didnt even click this link at all because I knew I wouldn't care. Traci isn't hot and she can't wrestle. 0 for 2 in the wrestling world.
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    Something about Sting that has always puzzled me...

    lol...the scorpion death lock and the camel clutch is the same? Do you even watch wrestling? :disappointed: Anyway.....I always sort of figured that the Death Drop was more of a set up finisher for the Death Lock. He would drop the dude on his head and then apply the move (id assume, i was a...
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    Needed Tag Teams

    Eh....I dont really agree with you that much about tag team wrestling. I think it can be saved, its just that there's no tag teams out there that people care about. Or just when they start to care about a team they get broken up. In TNA they have a decent tag division. The series between Beer...
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    Which ECW Champion was most wasted in WWE?

    Id have to probably say... Mike Awesome is one for sure. Dude was epic. Like you all say he was huge, fast, and had a great talent. Also if I had to pick one other it would most likely be Raven because the dude is a picture perfect dark character. CM Punk is doing one hell of a job running...
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    John Cena Backstage

    Also.... You cant forget the fact that Kennedy was the reason for both Orton and Cena's injuries when he was around. Add that to all his screw ups and things, I wouldn't really want to work with the guy anyways. Besides....Kennedy isn't even that good. I doubt Cena even needs to his...
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    Does Shawn Deserve To Headline A HOF Class By Himself?

    Of course HBK deserves to headline the HOF ceremony. The fans love him and obviously dont care about all that old crap that happened back in the day. All he had to do was say nothing SCM Del Rio and leave and that was the biggest moment of the night. I'm pretty much ruling Sting out, I just...
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    Chad Ochocinco v. Coach Lewis at Lockdown?

    Im new to the site, but not new to wrestling. This idea is ridiculous. It should never happen. Especially not inside a cage. Sure it may garner media attention because Ochocinco is a ham and loves media spotlight but once they actually get to the ppv and they both get in the ring it is going...