Recent content by Arhan_P

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    Greatest WWE Champion of ALL time?

    I would go with Kurt Angle... A great techni wrestler and gt all what it takes to a champ... He's matches wid Lesnar were outstanding... SecOndly,Austin and Punk.. Both have great wrestling skills and best on mic...both are bad*** and that's what make superstars interesting...
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    If the Dudleys would go to WWE....

    Agree wid someone said they are not PG friendly...they wouldn't suit PG.. They perform some moves which are not legit from WWE point of view.. Though it would be great if they come to WWE..
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    How far will Punk go?

    cm punk is main event package..vince doesnt let him dio that..i m sick of rock vs cena.. i think punk should retain his title at NOC..he should lose to rock at RR and retain it again at WM29 john cena is boring and no one wants to see his title reign again..