Recent content by AdamStevens

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    Did Evolution Set The Bar Too High For The Success Of Stables In The WWE?

    The CM Punk idea is a good idea. He is one of the top guys on Smackdown and they could really put a group around him and put some of their other stars in the spotlight by aligning them with him. However they do need to make sure they use the right group of guys to put with him. You need the...
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    Did Evolution Set The Bar Too High For The Success Of Stables In The WWE?

    Evolution didn't really set the bar too high.... but they did set it at a level that will take a very good group of guys to match. They had everything that a strong stable needs to be successful. Honestly, I dislike Batista but as far as the group aspect of it he fit into the mold. With the...
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    X-Division Championship No More???

    My apologies on the NWA reference, I completly forgot that :( The WWF reference was due to the fact that I just can't accept calling it WWE..... it just sounds stupid. Although the product does not represent what the WWF was I just can't bring myself to call it WWE lol.
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    X-Division Championship No More???

    NWA/TNA would be making one of the worst moves ever if they were to drop the X Division Title. That title is what makes TNA great. The beauty of the title is that there is no weight restrictions and it is basically a title for "wrestlers" not entertainers. Now don't get me wrong, wrestling...
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    Bret Hart: Not As Big A Star As He Thinks

    Bret Hart has gone down in history as one of the greatest wrestlers because he was one of the greatest wrestlers. Remember that we are talking about wrestling here. When I was a kid growing up, sure it was neat to see guys like Hogan and Warrior who were huge. But to watch one of their...
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    Kennedy Being Burried?

    Kennedy will not get burried on RAW. He is better on the mic and in the ring then the champion. He gets a better reaction from the fans(Cena is a face and gets more boos than cheers). He lost an obvious storyline match to Super Crazy who is one of the best talents on the entire RAW roster...